Partly cloudy. High 86F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph..
A few passing clouds, otherwise generally clear. Low 62F. Winds light and variable.
WC Fiber announced a $19 million expansion in Greenwood County that will allow the company to reach about 2,400 more addresses. From left, Stephen Taylor, WCTEL community affairs/economic development; Theo Lane, Greenwood County Council vice chairperson; Wes McAllister, WCTEL board chairperson, Chuck Moates, Greenwood County Council chairperson, Toby Chappell, Greenwood County manager; and James Bateman, Greenwood County economic development director.
WC Fiber announced a $19 million expansion in Greenwood County that will allow the company to reach about 2,400 more addresses. From left, Stephen Taylor, WCTEL community affairs/economic development; Theo Lane, Greenwood County Council vice chairperson; Wes McAllister, WCTEL board chairperson, Chuck Moates, Greenwood County Council chairperson, Toby Chappell, Greenwood County manager; and James Bateman, Greenwood County economic development director.
WC Fiber LLC plans to reach about 2,400 more Greenwood County addresses in the next two years through a $19 million investment, the company said Wednesday.
This grows the Abbeville-based company’s total commitment in Greenwood County to more than $42 million in a five-year span as WCFIBER aggressively grows its broadband footprint around the Emerald City.
Formerly known as Project Premises, the expansion comes with a 20-year fee-in-lieu-of-taxes agreement with the county.
“We appreciate all the support from Greenwood County Council in making this project a reality,” WCFIBER CEO Jeff Wilson said in a released statement. “We look forward to working with the County’s Economic Development team, and nonprofit organizations like Vision Greenwood and the Chamber to further expand broadband throughout Greenwood County.”
In recent years, access to reliable, high-speed has received increasing interest, especially because of how many people were forced to work or learn from home last year because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
“The expansion of broadband into communities with no internet or a lack of high-speed internet is more important than ever to the competitiveness of our residents, whether it be for access to jobs, school assignments, or telehealth appointments,” County Council Chairperson Chuck Moates said in a released statement. “Greenwood County is appreciative of the continued investment and opportunity to partner with WCFIBER to bring high-speed internet to many more homes in the coming years.”
In the same release, County Council Vice Chairperson Theo Lane added that he “can think of no other service, beyond basic infrastructure, that has a greater impact on quality of life in today’s economy than high-speed internet.”
For information about WCFIBER, a subsidiary of West Carolina Telephone Cooperative, visit
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